For as long the internet has been in existence there have been internet scams. Unfortunately, scammers are getting even smarter about their tactics and targeting small to mid-sized businesses with clever tactics that are disguised as important copyright issues.
Images are essential to internet marketing for small business, which is quite possibly why scammers are falsely accusing businesses of violating image copyright laws.
Typically, in the form of emails, scammers are causing interruption to businesses through downloads and attachments that can infect computers and other devices with malware that steals information and causes technological issues.
Most recently there has been an email circulating on the internet that contains a copyright infringement takedown request. Keep your eye out for this harmful email which may have a similar subject title as the following:
You do not have the legal right to use my images without my permission. It is unlawful and violates my rights! You must remove this image right now!
Found in this email is an infected link masquerading as evidence of copyright infringement–do not click on this link!
At American Creative, we take photo licensing extremely seriously, understanding that it is an essential component of internet marketing for small business. That is why we use legally licensed photos from reputable photo libraries, along with any photos that you own and have provided us.
Unfortunately, a number of our clients have received similar emails, but we assure you it is nothing to worry about!
If you suspect that you have received a spam email of any kind, the best thing you can do is report the email as spam and be sure to not open up any links, files, or attachments included in the email.
Have more questions about photo licensing, internet marketing for small business, or spam emails? Do not hesitate to get in touch with our team to get your questions answered!